Selected pre-sentencing investigation case files (New York City), 1972-1974.


Selected pre-sentencing investigation case files (New York City), 1972-1974.

The series consists of case files prepared by Division of Probation personnel for criminal convictions in four of the five boroughs of New York City (New York, Kings, Queens, and Bronx). All case files relate to pre-sentence investigations of felony cases, but the types of felonies differ in each of the subseries.

44 cu. ft.


SNAC Resource ID: 8273169

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

New York (State). Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (corporateBody)

CURRENT FUNCTIONS. The Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives oversees the development and execution of New York State's comprehensive system of community-based corrections and alternative punishment. The division is the regulatory and standard-setting agency for all county departments of probation. It promulgates rules and procedures for the delivery of local probation services and correctional alternatives. These services include assisting the intake of ca...

New York (State). Executive Dept. Division of Probation. (corporateBody)